Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The duo does it again at Stockton!

The last show in we attended, which was Red Bluff, Tonka and Puff Ball took BOB and BOS honors. The duo does it again!
We attended the 2/7 Stockton show last weekend and had a wonderful time. I brought home PFF's Oprah, who is going to be a new "puzzle piece part" added to my otter fuzzy lop starter line. I know Carol has got some cute otters out of her, so I'm hoping I will too!
Plus Jenny hooked me up with a new little broken junior buck. I know I know... like I need another rabbit. But this little guy was too cute to pass up, and she WAS waiting for the perfect broken buck to offer to me. (I don't have ONE broken fuzzy lop buck in the barn!). We'll grow him out and see what he turns into!
As for shows, we have nothing until Nationals. Hard to believe, but I am going to take time off from bunny shows to cut, groom, and coat out the fuzzies for the first weekend in April when I will be driving to Salt Lake City, Utah for AFLRC Nationals. After that the show season will start up again heavily.

THF Saynora Puff Ball, SJD above, wins BOS in Show A, with 20 fuzzies entered in Open!

PFF's Tonka (SSB) takes BOB in Show A, with 20 fuzzies entered in Open!


LilBitFarms said...

Congrats Katie! They are beautiful!

TLR said...

Congratulations. May you have more successes to come!